a monitor that displays 16 colors or more, system 7, and 500k of RAM.
If you like this program and decide to keep it, send $5.00 to:
6115 Chestnut Terrace
Shorewood, MN 55331
Registered users will recieve free upgrades and if you include your email adress, you will be able to beta-test some future products of GameraSoft.
If you don't send $5.00, the least you could do is email me with your comments, questions, or suggestions. You can reach me at:
America Online: Gamera J
eWorld: Gamera J
Internet: GameraJ@aol.com
Save My Screen! v1.1.1 is a multi-module, shareware screen saver. Because Save My Screen! is shareware, you can distribute it freely. Give it to friends and family members, upload it to your favorite BBS or online service, give it to anyone else that you can think of. All that I ask is that you include this document.
To install Save My Screen! in your Apple menu, open up your system folder and put it in the folder called "Apple Menu Items". Now whenever you want to leave your computer for a while and then come back, all you have to do is select Save My Screen! from your Apple menu, select the module of your choice, and you're set. To exit from it, all you have to do is click your mouse button and you're out.
Thanks to the Sprite Animation Toolkit and the example program SATInvaders for the idea and help with the Earth Invaders module.
Version History:
v0.1: Initial release of Save My Screen.
v0.2: Added color and rectangles, removed menu bar and made the screen black.
v0.3: Got rid of the cursor and made it so that the color of each shape alternates.
v0.4: Added Multi-Module support and the Flying Lines module.
v0.5: Added the Darkness and a Foggy Day modules and an about box.
v1.0: Added the Zebra Lines module, made it work better with slower macs (I hope) and added an introduction.
v1.1: Removed introduction, added the Earth Invaders! module, and changed the "about" box.
v1.1.1: Enabled command keys and fixed a few bugs.
Legal Disclaimer:
This program has not been throughly tested as a screen saver. GameraSoft邃「 is not responsible in any way for any damage that the program Save My Screen causes to your screen or any other part of your computer.